Sierras Axe Mischief


I love it when a model’s garments hug her body. There is a great deal of sensuality to being able to see the contour of her body perfectly with what she is wearing, as if the clothes themselves were giving you a BarelyEvil taste of things to come.

Sierras is one alluring blonde who knows all her best features and is not afraid to showcase them in a mischievous but compelling manner.

This BlueBlood gallery is really something special since Sierras is able to enamor you with her eyes, lips and body in a set of images that bring out some of her best features.

Seeing Sierras wield her axe as she looks at the camera with those intense, beautiful eyes, makes me think that she would make a great vampire slayer that would put Buffy to shame.


Happy Halloween season. I’m happy we can share this fun Zombie rocker / axe murderer set of Sierras, in the spirit of the holiday. There are a lot of alt-fashion pics in the beginning of this series, but I think Sierras looks really hot in them too, so I hope you don’t mind if this is a bit of a longer set. I like the Zombie art heels and t-shirt, with the skin tight black rock babe pants. Anyway, I hope everyone has lots of fun in the next week or so.




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