The Loose Cannon tightens up


This Cosplay-Mate video is really eye opening. I loved her in the still shoots, but the way she moves, oh and does she move, really kicks butt. There wasn’t a lot of safe for work content I could pull from for the screen shot but I think I have a great side of her. The ammo belt falls softly off her hip a bit here and pinks with blues really contrast against the wet blacks of her outfit. One thing is for sure, she is the gal who could keep that belt on and be perfectly happy. Well, you know I mean just the belt (and maybe the pink criss-cross stockings!) and leave the rest off.

She might be named Loose Cannon, but the name is the only thing loose about her.


Don’t let her smile fool you. She may not have the biggest guns in the league but she certainly knows how to use them. Bright explosions and loud blasts are all this criminal lives for. For both the city of progress and its local law enforcement, she is quite the curse. Curse or not, nights spent with her will not contain any boredom. Just don’t get too exited or else she might pull off the ol’swicheroo on you!


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