Arrow – Suicide Squad


Ollie meets up with his old comrades to find out intel on Slade, but not before he has to scratch Alexie’s back. Scratch that, Ollie works for no one else. That kitten has claws!

Digg is on back watching duty while Slade is still at large, but he gets a booty call text and runs off to leave Felicity on her own. Really Digg? Is that his ex or his FBI girlfriend? I honestly cannot remember. Oh, it’s his ex. OKAY THEN.

Oh hello there Amanda Waller, what can we do for you? Um, some terrorism-plot-nerve-agent thingy? With the Suicide Squad! Yippee! Is that Harley Quinn in another one of the cells?! Oooooooo what are we supposed to make of that? Anyway, SS runs a dummy mission so Diggle can get on our terrorist’s good side. And Shrapnel’s head goes boom when he tries to make a break for it.

While Ollie stops a robbery, Slade watches like an obsessed ex-girlfriend. Jesus, just make out already. Or at least take your shirts off! Our red friends get the info for Ollie but Sarah stops him to play the concerned girlfriend/sidekick act. He tries to push her away cuz he doesn’t want more collateral damage on his hands but we all know how that’s going to turn out. I know Slade is still bummed about Shado and all, but he’s got to move on. Maybe go to a support group? Get some counseling? Try some antidepressants? I mean, come on, Slade, you need a hug.

Deadshot finds the nerve agent at the fancy terrorist house party, but it’s too big to steal. At first I thought Waller was going to explode Deadshot’s head and thought that was awesome and cold. But turns out she called in a drone strike instead. To Deadshot’s head. Who left the location. Cuz Diggle talked him into it. Ummmmmm.

Ollie breaks into ARGUS with his panties in a twist, looking for any information he can find on Slade. Waller thinks he’s crazy but has intel on DEATHSTROKE. It’s the same guy, guys! I give this episode a Mustard.


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