The Guild Season 6 Episode 08 – Clara is the Mominatrix


With episode 8, we’re more than half way through the season and things are really picking up. Everyone is kind of settled in their place and for some that means a time of happiness, not so much for others.

Zaboo hasn’t moved an inch from being in the test server – he’s hanging out in The Flaccid Eel building up his reputation with NPC barmaid Sabina. Ah, one can only wonder what they’ll be able to do together when their reputation hits 100%. She’s one hot mermaid to have pixel sex with – just sayin’.

Floyd has decided to scrap the underwater expansion and The Game all together and create something from scratch, much to the dismay of his team. Codex is in the middle of it all, trying to make things right.

Stealing the show once again is my favorite weirdo, guild leader Vork. With his plight being picked up by vlogger Nerd Girl, he gets attention from fellow gamers, outraged at the injustice of being perma-banned. Casanova Vork tries to set things right with Madeline as well – showing her that his protesting is just as important as hers.

That chick just does not understand The Game and what it means to him. She’s the cribbage and bridge type. I dunno, but personally, she needs to find someone at the retirement home to date and let this brave warrior find himself a young hottie that finds him being a guild leader a true turn on. #FreeVork !!!

Codex steps into the game with Tink’s help. Vork’s attempt at currying Madeline’s favor backfires.


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