Deathrock Firebreather Franccesca De Struct


barely evil franccesca fireFranccesca De Struct is another hot up-and-comer recently shot by Amelia G and Forrest Black for Blue Blood. This Barely Evil shoot of her breathing fire is just really cool. They shot this series indoors. Franccesca De Struct has incredible fire-breathing skills and she is shooting fireballs to the ceiling, like a level 20 magic user.

I always enjoy when something creative goes beyond the expected and this shoot definitely delivers. Gentle readers, I wanted to show you some of the really fiery images, but they all had nudity in them, so you’ll just have to visit Blue Blood or Barely Evil for the full experience.

This got a bit messy but it was totally worth it. Franccesca De Struct showed Amelia G and I her amazing fire breathing skills and blew huge balls of fire everywhere. Needless to say, it was hot. 😉
~Forrest Black


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