All Star Bowling: Hot Man Podcasters Edition


podcast bowlingI work for myself and run my own company (plus write AMAZING articles here and for GothicOrg), so I spend a lot of time alone and yelling at my cats. I also listen to A LOT of podcasts. A lot. ITunes tells me I currently have 401. Sooooo. I have a problem.

BUT! I love podcasts because they are my coworkers and I don’t even have to deal with their weird body odors or sensitive phone calls to their doctors. My favorite style of podcast is the Comedy podcast, because I like the hee hee. And they list as follows: Comedy Bang Bang, Doug Loves Movies, How did this get made, My brother my brother and me, Smartest man in the world, Star Talk, Who charted and WTF

They get my hear holes hot with their jokes, and their weirdness and their general bad-ass-ness. On this episode of All Star Bowling we get an eye full of scruffy nerf herder to whet your appetite. Enjoy

All Star Bowling Podcasters

Team Podcasters:
Marc Maron – “WTF with Marc Maron”
Jimmy Pardo – “Never Not Funny”
Greg Behrendt – “Walking the Room”
Randy Sklar – “Sklarboro Country”

Team Nerdist :
Chris Hardwick – Founder, “Nerdist Podcast”
Todd Glass – “The Todd Glass Show”
Cole Stratton – “Pop My Culture”
Jason Sklar – “Sklarboro Country”

Smile Train


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