Cadbury Cream Threeway Easter Porn


nsfw comix easter 2012Speaking of Cadbury Creampies, the talented people over at NSFW Comix made possibly the most popular chocolate sex vid ever. It is an internet meme rule that this video must be passed around every time the Easter holiday rolls around. Normally, I advise that, while we never have nudity on, links here should be clicked at your own risk as they may be NSFW. Ironically, this Cadbury Cream video is probably safe for you to watch, although I assume most of you are not at work today anyway. Without further ado, I give you the Banned Cadbury Egg Cream Commercial:

Voices: Cybersp0nge & Rosa Tabula
Animation: Cybersp0nge
Music: “Disco Porno Music” by Sex Porn Soundtrack
Cadbury is a trademark of Cadbury. (Or possibly Hershey’s, in the USA. I dunno, it’s all very confusing.)


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