Zenthura Opens


The Zathura site features a creative gallery of flash games. More importantly, did any of you see the episode of The Apprentice where one of the supposed businesswomen on the show kept pronouncing Zathura as Zenthura in her presentation to Jon Favreau? Did any of you see the episode of Entourage where pornstar Jesse Jane and two comely friends triple team an aggressively blatant stand-in for Harry Knowles with a strap-on? Harry Knowles being the editor of popular digizine Ain’t it Cool News. Well, Ain’t it Cool News describes Zathura as, “one of those “Kid Again” movies that makes you feel 8 years old as you sit there, eyes agape at the world before you. You marvel at the vast gorgeousness of Saturn, at the fleet of Zorgon ships, at the Stan Winston creature effects and you begin to forget that this floating house ever was rooted on earth, because clearly, it belongs in space. And all the while you’re laughing, because Zathura contains a constant barrage of jokes, some cleverly disguised gags for adults mixed into a healthy amount of bits for all ages.” So, either Zathura is going to be fabulous when it opens today, or Jesse Jane did Jon Favreau a favor and put in a good word with Harry Knowles for him.


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