Tealchromatic Presents: 2B


The 14th Machine War may be over, but it looks like 2B is still scouring the ends of the Earth, trying to slash and dash her way into finding enemies to kill. Humans or androids, does not matter, for YoRHa No.2 Type B seeks out blood and wires.

Tealchromatic is rocking the outfit – the kind of deep darkness that comes with the black, coupled with the pops of white that extend onto her bottoms and give her a brighter look – all the while she is longing away on the bed, watching and waiting.

When Tealchromatic is called to action, 2B is ready to strike!

Tealchromatic Presents: 2B

Tealchromatic Presents: 2B

Tealchromatic Presents: 2B

Tealchromatic writes:

Real Name: Teal Chromatic
Followers: 16757
Birth Date: April 20, 1987
Age: 34
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: Hawaii


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