To Infinity And Beyond With Phd_Stripper


I used to dream of being an astronaut and while I never got to see that dream become reality, I do get to see Phd_Stripper in an astronaut suit and she is certainly a different kind of a dream come true! Yes, she is inviting everyone into her very own space station as she gets ready to do a bit of exploring out in the galaxy. The outfit consists of a bodysuit designed to look like it belong in any NASA spaceship and she even brought a beautiful helmet along for the ride. Would this pass inspection and actually survive the cold, harsh reality of space? I can’t say, but I can say that she looks stunning in it!

Exploring the galaxy is a wonderful, rewarding activity. Just as wonderful and rewarding as seeing Phd_Stripper dressed up and ready to head into space!

To Infinity And Beyond With Phd_Stripper

To Infinity And Beyond With Phd_Stripper

To Infinity And Beyond With Phd_Stripper

Sexual Preference:Bisexual
Occupation/Major:Doctoral Candidate
About Me:Hi! I’m Summer Roberts I’m a doctoral candidate and dancer from Australia. I’ve had a varied career in journalism and the thing I love the most is meeting new people and hearing about their lives. I spend my spare time volunteering to help the homeless, reading, cooking, watching Bojack Horseman and drinking whiskey. I have a love of mid-century design, a ridiculous sense of humour and often get obsessed by certain topics. Come distract me while I work on my PhD dissertation.


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