Beautiful RenFaire Garb Sun Karma


erotic fandom sun karma photographed by amelia g and forrest blackSun Karma is super cute! She’s all sweet and innocent on the surface, but once she loses that formal dress, you’ll find some welcome spice. Those sunburst tattoos are just beautifully done.

Forrest Black and Amelia G did an amazing job of capturing Sun Karma’s personality in these photos. Well, the curves, too—can’t forget that. But the thing is, I want to get to know this girl of the enchanting smile and joyous eyes!

You can see 15 pics of Sun Karma in this special free gallery and the whole series at

We’re feeling a little bit costume-y, so let’s enjoy this set Forrest Black and I shot of Sun Karma in her best Elizabethan garb. One or two images from what we shot in this set ran in Marquis magazine a while back and now you can see the whole thing!

–Amelia G


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