Queen of Pain by Fenix Fatalist Cosplay


Attention! This is dangerously sexy. If you can’t handle with this Cosplay, better stop scrolling before

you touched the bottom of the page and see this piece of art!

I present you one and only Queen of Pain –Akasha from the Dota 2, revived by the beautiful Fenix Fatalist Cosplay.

I don’t know what to say. Really. I am speechless. This is WOW.

First, make up is fantastic. Second, the gradation of the horns into the forehead is truly perfect. Third, that


Not to mention that the photograph did a great job here – from the catching of facial expressions to the

tiny little details like blood on her neck and eyes that scream – HOT!

Absolutely stunning, from this moment you probably start to have more slaves al over the world.

If you want to see more work from this Ukraine girl, visit her Facebook, Patreon and WorldCosplay page.

Photos were taken by MiliganVick Photography.



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