Wondercon 2012 Costume Roundup


This year WonderCon, SDCC’s smaller sister convention, moved from it’s usual home in San Francisco down to Anaheim. As at every nerd con, the costumes were abound! Rana McAnear was in attendance, who was the model for Samara the Asari Justicar from Mass Effect. You may be thinking her transformation to bad ass alien is pretty spot on. That’s because she started a donation page to help her commission the costume from professional costume and SFX artists. I find it hard not to just get completely lost in her cleavage, but I guess that is probably the point. I really do think that character artists for games and movies are now trying to come up with the craziest outfits so that girls will cosplay them. I for one am looking forward to an EDI from Mass Effect 3. Hot robot girl action YES!

Check out some of the costume highlights:
The Chive
Flickr Group


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