Bazowie Awards 2025 Best Sci Fi Themed Toy Nominees


While we are all getting amped up for the Bazowie! Awards livestream, I thought I’d just highlight a few categories. The science fiction-inspired sculpts of this past year were amazing. Dear readers, we hope you will join us this Saturday evening at 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern on March 22nd for the Bazowie Awards livestream red carpet and ceremony. Meanwhile, the Bazowie Awards 2025 nominees for Best Sci Fi Themed Toy are:

A.S.S.tronaught from Dilgo

Alabaster from Xenocat Artifact

Cyberpunk Dildo from Hankey’s Toys

Leviathan Pen from Knotty Myths Toys

Nellens Klaspers from Strange Bedfellas

Oolas Tongue from Alchemist Echidna

Ovipositor and Egg Mold from Bad Dragon

The Sentinel Fisting Dildo from Odyssey Toys

Thrikreen from Wandering Bard

Ursa Alien Stroker from XR Brands

Vault 69 Stroker from Otona JP


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