Starbiesqt314 Gears Up For Fortnite


I did not realize that players could fish in Fortnite. I do mean literal fishing, although I’m not quite sure what bonuses are available once a rotten looking thing comes out of the water. Still, TIL with Starbiesqt314!

Something else I have learned is just how much she loves doing big tactical options for the game even before the action starts. Keeping it low and far, only to really sneak into the action and take people on one by one – always getting to that top 10 finish ultimately too! Now that is some serious skill level every single time she does it!

All the Fortnite goodness is ready to evolve into some more Starbiesqt314 time!

Starbiesqt314 Gears Up For Fortnite

Starbiesqt314 Gears Up For Fortnite

Starbiesqt314 Gears Up For Fortnite

Starbiesqt314 writes:

spicy gameplay


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