JessiWhitmore Continues Some Overwatch Shenanigans


I have a lot of love for JessiWhitmore and her love of video games that I would absolutely love to play at any given time. Although, I have to be honest and say that Overwatch has never really been something I’ve gravitated towards purely because of the too many shooters syndrome of it all, but I do like watching her play.

This is especially true since she does a lot of modes, a lot of different characters and even more laughs while she does it. I’m not sure how many modes this game has, but I’m pretty sure she has gone through each and every one of them at least a couple of times over.

Pewpews are out, and JessiWhitmore is ready to win!

JessiWhitmore Continues Some Overwatch Shenanigans

JessiWhitmore Continues Some Overwatch Shenanigans

JessiWhitmore Continues Some Overwatch Shenanigans

JessiWhitmore writes:

cosplayer. gamer.


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