AKEWYEAR Dishes It Out In Valorant


I’m no expert in Valorant. I don’t think I’ve ever played Valorant in my life to be fair, but I have seen a few gameplays and I have to say, as much as AKEWYEAR rocks it in Overwatch, I also quite enjoy how she’s going about some of the games here too.

I’m just trying to pick out the different powers and guns and seeing what kind of effects they do along the way. Which is actually kind of entertaining just doing that, but she does do a great job at really rocking the boat when it comes to some of the play style she has going on. The teams at least seem to be having fun.

I am very much here to explore all of Valorant’s modes with AKEWYEAR!

AKEWYEAR Dishes It Out In Valorant

AKEWYEAR Dishes It Out In Valorant

AKEWYEAR Dishes It Out In Valorant

AKEWYEAR writes:

just an artsy fartsy egirl with cute boobies and a banging personality


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