Jinkies, It’s Theprojectsara


Velma is busy most times during the year. It can’t be simple trying to solve all kinds of mysteries, getting in cahoots with ghosts and maybe escaping everlasting haunting or whatever it is that may end up catching the gang on the way out of missions, but it looks like Theprojectsara‘s version can finally chill out.

The fit is near perfect to the look and I do really love the combination of the red, orange and really tall pink socks that extend to her thighs, together with the black heels that just perfectly clasp together the whole thing.

Whatever mystery Theprojectsara has to solve, I’m very much looking forward to seeing how she solves it!

Jinkies, It’s Theprojectsara

Jinkies, It’s Theprojectsara

Jinkies, It’s Theprojectsara

Theprojectsara writes:

Real Name: Sara
Followers: 3981
Birth Date: March 10, 2002
Age: 21
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: Tokyo


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