Mori no Doru Artifical Hookers


Apparently, Japan has lately been cracking down on the sex industry in Tokyo. This has lead a number of sex works to be less motivated to do, well, sex work. Mori no Doru claims the dubious distinction of being Japan’s first love doll call girl service. (Sexy Fandom reported on the similar Doll no Mori service back in December. Not sure if the companies are related or how they would distinguish themselves from one another.) Mori no Doru customers can choose from a variety of Real Doll style artificial girls and even have real live girls give them a hand with their latex lovers. According to The Mainichi Daily News, whose WaiWai stories section features translations of articles from Japanese publications, the Weekly Playboy has reported some prostitutes feel uneasy about threesomes where the biological hooker is massaging a customer who primarily shows interest in an artificial hooker. I don’t believe the Weekly Playboy magazine has any relation to the US Playboy magazine. Japan is so cyber.

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