Privacy Policy


I don’t really know what is supposed to go in a privacy policy. But I got some feedback that I should have one. So I am just trying to think of every possible use of data which could ever happen on this site.

If you send me a news tip email, I might mention that the lead came from you, unless you ask me not to.

If you comment on the site, we reserve the right to decide not to approve your comment, to unapprove your comment, to edit your comment, or to display your comment in perpetuity. Not that this has ever come up, in the years I’ve been doing the site, but I’m trying to write a privacy policy here, without the help of a lawyer.

If you comment on the site, you can register or use Facebook or Twitter. The info collected this way could include your IP, email address, Facebook public URL, and where to follow your Twitter. Sometimes we will follow your Twitter, if the SexyFandom Twitter account is not already following you or we will email you privately, if that is more appropriate than a public comment. I can’t think of what else any of that could ever be used for. We reserve the right to some day give or sell this site and I believe that info stays in the database, along with your comments.

The banners served on this site use cookies (and maybe your IP?) for stuff like not showing you the same banner more than once. Pretty much every site on the internet does this, I think. I am pretty sure you are not personally identifiable from just a cookie or cookie and IP. You are certainly not personally identifiable to me, although, in our digital panopticon society, you might want to make sure you do not do anything you’d be upset about other people knowing.

I’ve never requested any personal information from readers in the past and I’d been told that meant that a privacy policy was irrelevant. I just do not want people to say mean things about me, so here it is. If anyone has a suggestion on how to do this better, please email me at the address on the right hand side of every page on the site. Thanks.

01/16/2013 Additions

As far as I am concerned, you are more than welcome to browse this site anonymously. I am told that Amazon, Google, and OpenX “anonymously” profile site visitors, and my site web log likely collects visitors’ IP addresses, browser and operating system identification, traffic volume, etc. I do not use any of that data for anything, but it is possible that if the site ever changed hands, that data would be archived and transferred to others. Occasionally, in the interests of improving the site, someone involved in operating this site or someone assisting someone involved in operating this site may look at server log information, statistics, and so forth, but I believe this is not personally identifiable data, or at least I would have no idea how to match it with specific people. I also have no control over what mega-corporations, such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Twitter, DuckDuckGo, MicroSoft (Bing), and OpenX, decide to do with your data and take no responsibility for same.

We have never sent an email, except in direct response to a specific correspondence. However, we reserve the right to archive your correspondence and contact you in the future, at our option. If we ever created an email list, we would provide a regular unsubscribe link at the bottom of anything we sent.

SexyFandom is just a blog. We do not do anything unusual with your data. This is the internet, so there is no reasonable expectation of privacy of any kind, if you do put your info out there. We really don’t collect much in the way of data. I think we collect less than most sites, although I am no expert in this. Sites we link to will have their own privacy policies, although I admit I am not inclined to read boring legalese when I surf the web. Maybe they are all horrible, but we try to link to only sites where we believe they are generally cool people. We usually base our assessment on what we think of their creative work i.e. are we fans of what they create. Sometimes terrible people make great art, so we do not take any responsibility for what may happen to you at a site we link to or otherwise communicate about.

I am pretty sure the site will still function for you, if you browse anonymously, with cookies turned off, from a proxy IP, with whatever anonymizing technology you may know of. I think the worst thing which could happen, if you choose to browse anonymously, is you might see the same banner advert more often than someone with cookies turned on. You are not obligated to comment on the blog and, if you choose to comment, you are not obligated to use Facebook or Twitter to log in and can in fact create a one-time-use email and fake nickname to do so.

By using our site, you consent to our privacy policy.


I’m not a lawyer, but I wanted to clarify what I mean by surf away at your own risk. SexyFandom will NEVER knowingly link to any site which is actually dangerous to your computer or personally identifiable data. When I put the thing about surfing away at your own risk, I meant that some of the sites this site links to are not SFW, even though SexyFandom is SFW. We link primarily to sites run by respected creative people and companies, most of whom are known for what they do, some of whom are very famous for what they do, and some of whom we know personally. In the unlikely even that you ever find a bad site linked to from this one, please use the contact info on the right hand side to let us know immediately. Basically, while I can’t take responsibility for anything on someone else’s site, if you click a link not specifically tagged as SFW, then you are at risk of seeing nudity and suchlike, but you should not be at risk of anything other than seeing something which might not be ideal to view at the office.

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