Yuyuko Saigyouji plays the central villainous role in Perfect Cherry Blossom, an upward-scrolling shooter game that constitutes the seventh official installment in the...
The so called “Scarlet Devil” may not be wearing her default clothing here, but it doesn’t take five seconds for a Touhou Project fan to recognize who Alcololy is...
One of the facts I love about Touhou Project is the setting, Gensokyo. It’s a fictional mythical land sealed from the outside world and primarily inhabited by...
Touhou Project is one of those franchises with so many characters that it’s difficult to memorize all of them and those who do memorize all of them must probably be on...
As a gamer and a cosplayer, Touhou Project, is a golden egg. The games are a good pastime. Not to mention the books, music, light novels, manga and even the doujins are...
If in cosplay the aim is to resemble the character as much as possible, in cosplay photography, the aim is to take a shot that closely resembles the visual elements...