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Darth Voltage turns everyone to the darkside

The force is strong with this one. I saw her name DarthVoltage and I knew I needed to be in that room. She was dressed in full sith-lord regalia including a lightsaber...

LilacPixie makes the TARDIS disappear

I’m a Doctor Who fan. I mean, not just a new-aged one, but an actual “Tom Baker is my Doctor” fan. So, when I see a room with a girl wearing a TARDIS...

Orphan Black

Orphan Black Returns

If you haven’t heard of Orphan Black, then you don’t know what you’re missing. This show is one of the best shows, in any genre, that I’ve seen...

All I want in my Easter Basket is candy, Razor Candi

RazorCandi is one of my favorite models to review. There. I said it. I love punk. I love tattoos. I love dark. Most of all though, I really love people who are humble...

Rayne on the Moon

I am a sucker for pink. Everyone knows that. I am also a sucker for vampires. So, when I see Rayne_ sitting there smiling for her audience, I know have to pop in. Rayne_...

ophelia vlad bloody vampire babe cam

Bloody Vampire Babe Ophelia Vlad

Ophelia Vlad always has that vampire babe vibe going on. Tonight, she is making a bloody mess. I don’t mean that in the sense of the sort of British slang you...

hyrulefairy batman purple hair cam

Yaaaaaaaaaay! Welcome back, HyruleFairy!

I am so very very happy to see Kiyoko aka Hyrule Fairy back online. She has been off having adventures (and also being sick for a while) for over a month, so I am so...

kim lucille bunny rabbit cam

Talk to Kim Lucille About Butts and Vegan Food

Kim Lucille makes the excellent point that bunny rabbit makeup and kitty cat makeup are very similar. The key difference is kitty cat ears versus bunny rabbit ears. As...

pandora von kit dice d12

Pandora Von Kit Finds Use for D12

Okay, I’ve been slacking since New Year’s, but I didn’t make any 2014 resolutions to be more responsible or anything, thank goodness. Anyway, Erotic...

miss monster turret

Mohawk Beauty (Wo)mans Gun Turret

It has been a while since I mentioned an Erotic Fandom update and some really great stuff has been posting over there. I’m going to try to remedy that oversight....

jade blue eclipse bubble bath vampire cyborg

Jade-blue Eclipse Bubble Bath Vampire Cyborg

I love the update just of the famous Jade-blue Eclipse which just posted to Barely Evil and Blue Blood. For the uninitiated, she is a performance artist with permanent...

erotic fandom sun karma photographed by amelia g and forrest black

Beautiful RenFaire Garb Sun Karma

Sun Karma is super cute! She’s all sweet and innocent on the surface, but once she loses that formal dress, you’ll find some welcome spice. Those sunburst tattoos...


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