Tag: blog, fan fiction, fanfic, goldman sachs, goo, leia, optimus prime, pokeman, princess leia, robot, sex, topless robot, village voice
FanFic Reviews – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
We’re kidding, with that title, of course. All FanFic is grisly. The intrepid folks at Topless Robot make it their mission to cull the wheat from the chaff every...
True Blood Beauty Line Forsaken
I am in the wrong goddamn business. I need to get a gig coming up with dumb shit based on tv and movies that people will buy. (I know I kinda do this already) Cuz guess...
Who doesn’t love hot, robot bitches?
Sexy Fandom’s own Raygun Robyn has been writing about essential dark fashions over at the newly launched Gothic.org goth fashion site. We thought SF readers might...
Hello Kitty Morning Coffee Cam
Hello Kitty cam girl Kiare is wearing yet another Hello Kitty outfit in front of another Hello Kitty decor wall. How much Hello Kitty can one girl have? She is drinking...
Happy Birthday, David
Yet another viral video for the movie Prometheus. Oh my god, robots from teh future are sexy as all hell! And super creepy! Bet that he’ll go crazy and kill em...
Tentacle Robot Sex
Sensi Pearl is living out one heck of a fantasy in this recent effing machines shoot. The trusty old Fuckzilla Batteries Not Included sexbot has received a fabulous...
Shirley Manson Robot Sex T-1000
In Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Shirley Manson played CEO Catherine Weaver, who is trying to develop the technology which will someday become SkyNet. I...
What is the Creature from the Black Lagoon?
Creature from the Black Lagoon is a 1954 monster film directed by Jack Arnold, and starring Richard Carlson, Julia Adams, Richard Denning, Antonio Moreno, and Whit...
Anzen Senshi Condoms for Super Robot Penis
Anzen Senshi supposedly translates from Japanese to English as “Safety Warrior.” No idea if this is accurate, but I noticed these robot-themed condoms on...
Science Fiction Channel Acquires Sexy Fandom
Once the sale of Sexy Fandom to the Science Fiction Channel goes through, I’ll be doing a lot more coverage of stuff like what I’d like to put through a...
Robot Project & 2005 Come to a Close
It is time to make resolutions for the new year. I have not decided on mine yet. Besides lose weight of course. But I’m thinking about resolving to make it to the...
The Universal Positioning Device or UPD
I’ve written about a number of nonpenetrative Fucking Machines adjunct robots this month, but the really must-have Xmas gadget from the Fucking Machines engineers...