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Dylan Fox is The Fifth Element

Pretty Dylan Fox has really cool hair, which is clearly inspired by the movie The Fifth Element. Someone in her room just referred to it as The Fifth Sense, so now I am...

denvermax johnnydarko fifth element cam

Fifth Element Corbin and Leeloo

I have seen a lot of Leeloo cosplays tonight, but DenverMax has a really fine extra accessory — JohnnyDarko cosplaying Corbin. He is claiming that the women in...

jessedanger leeloo 5th element cam

Leeloo Jesse Danger

Jesse Danger took a poll on whether she should do Tank Girl or Leeloo from The 5th Element for Halloween. As you can see, Leeloo won. Jesse Danger is a little extra...

Leeloo Wet T-Shirt Contest

Leeloo Wet T-Shirt Contest

Arwen Datnoid got a Leeloo costume in the mail today. So guess what Fifth Element character she might be cosplaying this minute. Okay, it was kind of an easy question....

leia down cam

Who is that masked Leia Down?

Cam girl Leia Down does a lot of costuming. Today, she is dressed as Baby Doll from Sucker Punch (the worst science fiction movie ever made), but don’t hold that...


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