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Paprika Movie Night with Hyrule Fairy

Paprika Movie Night with Hyrule Fairy

Hyrule Fairy had a late night last night. Today is a day for wearing a comfy onesie and curling up to watch some good anime. So Hyrule Fairy is doing a movie night with...

Tell Me I’m a Dead Whore You Can Treat As You Will

Need Coffee is doing a giveaway for the newly released V is for Vendetta DVD. The prize includes a really creepy V mask. I think that mask could provide the opportunity...

Disco Babes for the Dalek Nation

According to the UK’s Sun Online reporter James Hyatt, the estate of Dr. Who creator Terry Nation is not amused by the Dalek porno flick which was recently selling...

Tripping the Rift on DVD

How is it possible that the first lucky thirteen episodes of Tripping the Rift came out on DVD a few weeks ago and I failed to mention it? Perhaps because I was not...


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