Category: Web Sites

Sinister Visions Banner Exchange

As I’m getting back to blogging, I want people to know I am updating the site again. So I have a friend helping me sign up for banner exchanges. The first one I am...

Torchwood: Children of Earth on DVD

Looks like Blue Blood ran a very sexy gallery from the Torchwood: Children of Earth mini-series, along with a deconstruction of whether the show’s creator has...

Kinky Thunderdome

I know I said that I thought Bound Gods was pitched as sci-fi, but, thinking about it, I expect it was probably Naked Kombat I was thinking of. Naked Kombat is the...

Narcissa Naked Cyberpunk Assassin

Bob Coulter’s work for Crazy Babe is usually a bit gritty for my taste, as he does not present the girls looking as pretty as I prefer, but his style really moves...

Sean Abley Writes Gay of the Dead

If you do not get the play on words in Sean Abley’s Fangoria blog name Gay of the Dead, I’m not sure you are reading the correct site. If you get it, Sean... Interviews Amelia G has a bunch of new writers since last I kept up. One is Beda Hoydenish who just did an interview with the inspirational Amelia G about her new

Speaking of Amelia G and Blue Blood, this week Amelia G launched a personal site at as a sort of central space for her varied works. I like that she...

Motivational March from SlashDong and BlueBlood

I was going to get back to blogging about sexy fandom topics back in March when Amelia G over at posted her Talking Dirty as SXSW article. She talked about...

Tell Me I’m a Dead Whore You Can Treat As You Will

Need Coffee is doing a giveaway for the newly released V is for Vendetta DVD. The prize includes a really creepy V mask. I think that mask could provide the opportunity...

Dead Siren

The new Dead Siren blog asks the question: What is the difference between Fandom with a capital F and simple imagination and are either a bad thing? And one of the...

There’s One Born Every Minute

Mermaid hoaxes were perhaps popularized by P.T. Barnum and his famous circus. He advertised having the remains of a FeeJee Mermaid. FeeJee is the sucker spelling of Fiji...

Mermaid Necrophilia

An object purported to be somewhere between a mermaid and a sea monster just sold on eBay for $1,550. The seller calls the find a golden mermaid and refers to it as...


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