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Category: Site News
Adding More Syndication to Sexy Fandom
Okay, I’ve added Bloglines now. Any other feed aggregators you faithful readers would like me to support?
The Sexy Fandom Revolution Will Be Syndicated
I just added a bunch of little chiclets to the lower left hand side of the page if you would like to see what I am writing about over here at Sexy Fandom on your...
New Friends Button for Linking Topsites
I even got a new button made to have on this topsites listing. This size of button is apparently called “friends” which I think is kind of cute.
Topsites Animated Button
I’m not sure if it is any good, but I made an animated button myself based on one of the banner designs my friend made for me. I was going to join this fantasy...
Sexy Fandom 468×60 Banner
If you’ve been dying to link to SexyFandom graphically, instead of with text, my friend made some nice standard sized 468 pixels by 60 pixels banners you can use...