Category: Site News Banner Exchange

SexyFandom readers will probably be familiar with, the non-adult (but still sexy in the sense of being attractive) side of the Blue Blood empire.... is a site with literary horror fiction and gothic community forums. The site currently features fiction by Thomas S. Roche, Amelia G, Christa Faust, Maria...

Sinister Visions Banner Exchange

As I’m getting back to blogging, I want people to know I am updating the site again. So I have a friend helping me sign up for banner exchanges. The first one I am...

Motivational March from SlashDong and BlueBlood

I was going to get back to blogging about sexy fandom topics back in March when Amelia G over at posted her Talking Dirty as SXSW article. She talked about...

Rip Van Winkle

To be a Rip van Winkle, is to awake suddenly to profound changes in one’s surroundings. This may be due to physical absence or to absence of mind. (via Wikipedia)

Dead Siren

The new Dead Siren blog asks the question: What is the difference between Fandom with a capital F and simple imagination and are either a bad thing? And one of the...

Hotheaded Naked Ice Borers Do Anything for a Dollar

The Museum of Hoaxes has a listing of the top 100 April Fools Day pranks. Included are the BBC convincing people that spaghetti grows on trees in Switzerland or Discover...

Altporn Tags Sexy Fandom was one of the first sites I ever linked from Sexy Fandom, so odds are that regular readers have probably checked it out before. You have probably noticed...

A PSA from Sexy Fandom

If you must have CFIDS, it probably is not a terrifically good idea to drink a lot. That will be all. Yes, I did have a nice time ringing in the New Year. Thank you for...

What is fandom?

Fandom (from the noun fan and the affix -dom, as in kingdom, dukedom, etc.) refers to a community of keen aficionados who share a common interest in any phenomenon, such...

What is the definition of fandom?

fandom (n.) antedating 1896 Washington Post, Oct 10, 1896, the world of enthusiasts for some amusement or for some artist; also in extended use. (via Science Fiction...

Back from San Diego ComicCon

As you, gentle readers, have no doubt already discerned, I am back from the San Diego Comic Con. ComicCon is always great for business for me. I got a new very lucrative...


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