Welcome Bad Dragon as Platinum Sponsor of the 2025 Bazowie Awards


We would like to welcome Bad Dragon as once again Platinum Sponsor of the 2025 Bazowie Awards. Bad Dragon continues to be a leader in the fantasy toy space and their amazing creative work has inspired so many. A lot of people whose work we truly love would not be where they are today without Bad Dragon doing what they do. Bad Dragon is an innovator and pioneer in the fantasy toy space and their goal is to help make fantasies real for those of us who dream about the sensual potential of creatures ranging from dragons to werewolves to … well, an encyclopedia of sexy mythical creatures. We appreciate their support, not only for us, but for the whole community. And, we’re happy to announce that they will be graciously providing amazing Golden Tentacles for each of our talented creator award-winners! We love you Bad Dragon, for all that you do.


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