Milkycute Becomes A Very Pretty Cyber-Kitty


The cosplay that Milkycute wears is very cute and creative, which is the kind of thing that I love to see, because she is dressed up as a sweet kitty, but she’s going for a more high-tech idea with her outfit.

Milkycute clothes are white and tight, like a flight suit that shows some details that make her look like a sexy android, and she’s got a pair of ears that have a holographic quality that’s very cool to see, especially with how it combines with those cute little details she’s painted around her eyes and on her cheeks that show the futuristic inner circuits decorating her beauty.

Milkycute’s Profile:

Real Name: milky cute
Followers: 109767
Birth Date: April 7, 2005
Age: 19
I Am: A Woman
Location: Anime World


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