Super-villains could pop up at any moment to try and take over the world. That’s why it’s so good to have a hero around to keep us all safe. Just like Lizasweett_ is doing right now as she hosts a stunning cosplay show.
I see that familiar Super-Man/Super-Girl logo right there in the middle of her outfit. It’s now quite the uniform seen in the comics nor the TV shows, instead it’s a much darker version. One that makes her look like a Gothic version of Super-Girl or maybe even Dark Super-Girl herself?
No matter the title, I know Lizasweett_ looks stunning and I feel a whole lot more safe with her around. Especially when this show is full of so many fun treats and toys.
Real Name: Liza
Birth Date: Sept. 14, 2003
Age: 21
I Am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples
Location: In your mind
Language(s): English, Español (Spanish)
Body Type: Slim
Smoke / Drink: Ask me
Body Decorations: Tattos and pircings