Untitled Goose Game With CharlieWebb


A menace. An absolute menace of bird proportions, off to do nothing other than menacing around the place. Untitled Goose Game is one of my all time favorite gems just because of how silly it is and I’m so glad CharlieWebb is enjoying it because it has been one of my favorite things ever.

There is nothing like the freedom of being a small, corrupt little thing that just wants to create chaos and quack around the place, destroying a random town and village people just becuase it feels like it and she is having the time of her life watching this thing go around the place with different tasks. Why does a goose have tasks is the real question, but this game is too fun to care for it.

This goose life is all that it’s quacked up to be for CharlieWebb!

Untitled Goose Game With CharlieWebb

Untitled Goose Game With CharlieWebb

Untitled Goose Game With CharlieWebb

CharlieWebb writes:

Hello! I’ve been camming since June 2015!


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