Dashy Gives That Wolf A Banana For Valentine’s Day


Today is Valentine’s Day and Dashy is celebrating it with a very lovely dance party with a little help from Just Dance.

Do wolves eat bananas? According to this song she is dancing to right now that’s the best way to keep them from eating any grandmothers. The song is a ton of fun and seeing her dance to it even more so. She’s nailing all of these quirky dance moves while competing against someone else in the game. I’m no dance expert, but I’d day she wins this battle with ease because I can’t take my eyes off her.

The wolves are fed, but this dance party is just getting started and I look forward to seeing what songs Dashy will pick for her next big dance-off.

Dashy Gives That Wolf A Banana For Valentine's Day

Dashy Gives That Wolf A Banana For Valentine's Day

Dashy Gives That Wolf A Banana For Valentine's Day

Dashy writes:

Spoods n Noods


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