xTailss Wrecks Everyone In Fortnite


Fortnite is not an easy game, despite being simple in concept. There are a lot of things to be done and not too much time to do them especially when taking into consideration just how little the eye of the storm has patience for those on the outskirts. Though what I do like is how brave xTailss is at all times.

She’s weaving through open fields, a whole street, loudly banging around the equipment and walls of tall buildings and even making herself more exposed than she should. But she doesn’t falter whatsoever, in fact, she’s got her hand on the trigger at all times in case somebody needs to go. And they do. Quite a bit.

xTailss is a pro at this and I can’t wait to see more!

xTailss Wrecks Everyone In Fortnite

xTailss Wrecks Everyone In Fortnite

xTailss Wrecks Everyone In Fortnite

xTailss writes:

Username: xTailss
CamScore: 597
Gender: Female
Body Type: Athletic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Eyes: Green
Weight: 155 pounds
Age: 26
Country: Canada


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