Shycinderella Turns Into Chucky


Chucky has to be a Halloween favorite for most because I have to say, I really do appreciate seeing the amount of costumes that are just made in his inspiration – Shycinderella being one of them.

Now, while I do appreciate the leotard and the outfit matching quite nicely with the original, I also like just how much of her own personality – that innocence that she shows, comes to light in the teases that she’s doing.

Murder by Shycinderella I would accept, Chucky or not.

Shycinderella Turns Into Chucky

Shycinderella Turns Into Chucky

Shycinderella Turns Into Chucky

Shycinderella writes:

Real Name: Cinderella
Followers: 1082504
Birth Date: June 26, 2004
Age: 19
I am: A Woman


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