Savanahwildc Joins The YoRHa Infantry As 2B


YoRHa No.2 Type B. Now that’s quite a mouthful to say which is why most people shorten than down to just 2B. That’s the designation given to Savanahwildc’s current cosplay subject.

Nier Automata is a fantastic game and I love seeing this tribute to one of its most enduring characters. The dress looks just like the one seen flowing around in the game and it even has the familiar symbol in the middle. Her hair is just as stylish and there’s even the face mask that covers up one of her eyes.

Thankfully nothing is getting in the way of Savanahwildc showing off her bright smile. A smile just as big as my own, because I’m so happy to see 2B in action once again.

Savanahwildc Joins The YoRHa Infantry As 2B

Savanahwildc Joins The YoRHa Infantry As 2B

Savanahwildc Joins The YoRHa Infantry As 2B

Savanahwildc writes:

Real Name: SavanahWildC
Birth Date: Aug. 24, 1999
Age: 24
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men
Location: Wildland
Language(s): English
Body Type: StronK
Smoke / Drink: yes / sometimes
Body Decorations: tattoos


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