KristieBish’s Gwen Turns To Harley In The Middle Of The Phantom Of The Opera


KristieBish is a woman with too many talents to count. What I didn’t know she could do is change costumes at a whim’s notice and go from Gwen to Harley in the middle of Phantom of the Opera without much of a hassle.

Movie nights like these make me nostalgic because honestly, who doesn’t love a classic with a little spoopiness added to the whole thing? I wouldn’t know if Gwen would have any interest in the opera, but I would bet my life on it that Harley would be loving the everloving murderous shit out of this one.

So do I. So does KristieBish. Like always, top notch taste all around!

KristieBish’s Gwen Turns To Harley In The Middle Of The Phantom Of The Opera

KristieBish’s Gwen Turns To Harley In The Middle Of The Phantom Of The Opera

KristieBish’s Gwen Turns To Harley In The Middle Of The Phantom Of The Opera

KristieBish’s Gwen Turns To Harley In The Middle Of The Phantom Of The Opera

KristieBish writes:

All we wanna do is make you smile!


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