Archancel’s Harley Transformation


I do love a good Harley Quinn performance. Not the one that involves just the costume, but the one that also adds a bit of her personality onto it. Archancel looks utterly emancipated and prepared to do some less than heroic things.

Evil things, even. Since Gotham is at night and at rest, there’s so much that can be done to have fun. And it does seem like she’s up for it, given her continuous jumping around and a need to let out the energy of the sun onto what seems to be her lair.

No Puddin’s allowed in this household. It’s all Archancel!

Archancel’s Harley Transformation

Archancel’s Harley Transformation

Archancel’s Harley Transformation

Archancel writes:

Real Name: Archancel
Followers: 14564
Birth Date: March 12, 1902
Age: 99
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans


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