EmillyRogers Is Maid To Look Like A Princess


EmillyRogers is mixing together two different styles to create a very unique look and I’m happy to take a closer look myself as I enter her room.

The actual outfit looks like a stylish maid uniform with lots of lace and satin making up the main dress. On top of her head, however, I see a tiara. It’s like a beautiful Disney princess mixed with a maid and the two styles compliment each other perfectly. The pink hair makes her glow even more and I think I see a feather duster on the bed behind her.

EmillyRogers is one princess that has no trouble sweeping me off my feet. She’s so cute, colorful and stylish all at once that I can’t get enough of looking at her show.

EmillyRogers Is Maid To Look Like A Princess

EmillyRogers Is Maid To Look Like A Princess

EmillyRogers Is Maid To Look Like A Princess

EmillyRogers writes:

Username: EmillyRogers
CamScore: 246
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Weight: 38 kilos
Height: 56 inches
Age: 19
City: medellin
Country: Colombia
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Non Drinker
Drugs: Never
Marital Status: Single


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