Sallylynn Experiences The Joys Of Zelda


I agree with Sallylynn that once you pick up a good game, it’s so difficult to put it down. This rings especially true for something like the Zelda franchise which definitely has had me in a chokehold for many years, but the newest expansions are very much *chefs kiss*.

It’s actually really fun seeing someone experiencing the joys of Zelda after a while and getting used to the world and controls, because I know I was so shocked the first time I played it with just how much content was there. Brownie points for the entertainment while she games though, since she does it excellently throughout.

I eagerly await to see just which Legend Sallylynn will uncover, Zelda or not.

Sallylynn Experiences The Joys Of Zelda

Sallylynn Experiences The Joys Of Zelda

Sallylynn Experiences The Joys Of Zelda

Sallylynn writes:

Hello there! Im SallyLynn! I’m on 6 days a week, Monday through Saturday at 11pm-3am central standard time. If you don’t see me online I’m pretty social on my instagram or twitter so send me a DM here or on there!


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