The Best Way For KristieBish To Get Over A Cold Is The Princess Bride


KristieBish has been sick for a bit (because she’s also been having loads of fun at Coachella otherwise) but the best way to get over that is to hang out with the lions and pop in a movie – the Princess Bride being the choice for tonight.

I have a confession. I’ve never actually seen the Princess Bride or read the book so I have no clue what to expect going in but I’m totally not going to confess that I thought it was that one Anne Hathaway movie and was very confused at her absence. Totally. Not me. The room is as cheerful as ever and KristieBish‘s mane is as huge as I know it to be which means she’s on the mend and on her way to maybe visit some more concerts. Or rave about in her room. Either or.

PS. Prince Humperdinck is a goofy name.

The Best Way For KristieBish To Get Over A Cold Is The Princess Bride

The Best Way For KristieBish To Get Over A Cold Is The Princess Bride

The Best Way For KristieBish To Get Over A Cold Is The Princess Bride

KristieBish writes:

All we wanna do is make you smile!


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