The Last Of Us 2 Featuring Cabaret_Panda


I can’t be too certain but I’m pretty sure this is a new game plus situation happening with Cabaret_Panda considering just how meticulous she’s being with the collectibles and the skills Ellie has at this point in the game.

I love a good fellow gamer in arms and especially one that is loving The Last of Us 2. It’s somewhat still the start of the game and what better way to indulge than to explore the theater and find literally all the tidbits and collectibles that are laying around the place? I’m hoping for a little guitar solo by the end of it too.

Alas, Cabaret_Panda is kicking things up with Ellie by the looks of things and I can’t wait for her to explore more of those infected waters… but now with just a little bit more cult added into everything!

The Last Of Us 2 Featuring Cabaret_Panda

The Last Of Us 2 Featuring Cabaret_Panda

The Last Of Us 2 Featuring Cabaret_Panda

Cabaret_Panda writes:

An inch taller than Danny DeVito


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