Kitty Goes Stray


Gaming nights are some of my favorite but especially when they include so many potential puns with Kitty at the cat-tastic helm of it all – and her fluffy kitten!

The little stray is roaming around the apocalyptic world of many robots, many weird creatures and lots of industrial waste which honestly makes perfect sense for the critter as jumping, climbing and walling are done on easy mode this way. I can’t decide what’s cuter – the actual kitty or Kitty fawning over the kitty as it does pretty much anything – it’s kittyception indeed.

And thus with a few paws forward, Kitty has escaped the sewers and is slowly but surely making her way out if this crater to see what lies beyond!

Kitty Goes Stray

Kitty Goes Stray

Kitty Goes Stray

Kitty writes:



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