Flooziy Goes On A Monster Hunt


Monster hunting is a very dangerous job that entails a lot of equipment, a lot of tools, a whole bunch of spells and a trusty steed that Flooziy can occasionally ride around the place as he howls through enemies. It’s a video game stream and I’m already into it.

There’s a chill atmosphere when it comes to her shows, one that is calm enough to be peaceful but also filled with enough action packed monster slaying that eyes stay peeled on the screen all the time. I appreciate her gameplay just as much as how easy she is taking this playthrough and luckily for me, there’s a lot more monster stabbing that needs to be done.

Monster slayer Flooziy at the ready, she is pushing through all those enemies!

Flooziy Goes On A Monster Hunt

Flooziy Goes On A Monster Hunt

Flooziy Goes On A Monster Hunt

Flooziy writes:



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