Redwine404 Is A Bombshell Asuka


There are many things Asuka is known for but what I appreciate Redwine404 doing is really bringing her to life during this show as she flaunts her stuff as the main Evangelion pilot.

In fact, seeing the cutie really get to putting on the plug suit and dancing around just makes me really excited to see how positive this Asuka is being and just how willing she is to dance while also being as stylish as ever.

Pilots beware, for Redwine404 is an Asuka who is capable, ready to steer and end in a party too!

Redwine404 Is A Bombshell Asuka

Redwine404 Is A Bombshell Asuka

Redwine404 Is A Bombshell Asuka

Redwine404 writes:

Followers: 27306
Birth Date: May 30, 1998
Age: 24
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans


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