CharlieWebb Looks Ready To Play As Chucky


The new Chucky series has breathe new life into the whole franchise and today CharlieWebb is ready to put her own spin on this iconic slasher villain with her adorable cosplay show.

I see a little Halloween pumpkin and a bloody hand right behind her on the cupboard, but the main attraction in the room is her wonderful outfit. The striped shirt and the blue overalls with „Wanna Play?“ written on top are the perfect combo to make her look just like Chucky from the movies. Of course Chucky is usually seen quite cut-up, but today all I see on her face is a beautiful smile welcoming everyone into the room.

This is a version of Chucky that is so welcoming I just can’t help but admire the rest of the show. Whatever spooks and fun activities CharlieWebb has planned, I know they will be exciting to watch.

CharlieWebb Looks Ready To Play As Chucky

CharlieWebb Looks Ready To Play As Chucky

CharlieWebb Looks Ready To Play As Chucky

CharlieWebb writes:

Welcome, and thanks for stopping by. I’ve been camming since June 2015. I love eating (vegetarian), my dofs George & Narla, horror movies, going to gigs, and traveling.


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