BaileyRayne Sins The Wheel of Enormous Proportions


There exists an enormous wheel, some would say it is a wheel of enormous proportions in fact, and it’s quite the all-knowing sentient being that comes from the mountaintop in the sky, only to bring down prizes to those who feel brave enough to spin it. BaileyRayne is one of those brave people.

She is so brave in fact, that she’s also prepared to really bring her trivia noggin’ to the table so that she can lead herself to victory, all the while being very careful not to anger the wheel by spinning a little too close to the sun.

BaileyRayne is always a joy to watch, but especially when she gets more competitive and gets down to the nitty gritty of all these games.

BaileyRayne Sins The Wheel of Enormous Proportions

BaileyRayne Sins The Wheel of Enormous Proportions

BaileyRayne Sins The Wheel of Enormous Proportions

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