Alex_Nova’s Sexy Micro-Bikini Gaming Session


I love creativity in cosplay, and when it’s done with a dash of sexiness, like the one Alex_Nova is presenting today, it just makes a perfect recipe of epicness.

Alex_Nova is dressed up, just barely, thanks to a micro-bikini that accentuates her gorgeous assets, as Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill, and while we get to admire her incredible, mouthwatering beauty, she is playing HuniePop, which is a game I hadn’t payed too much attention to in the past, but I’m deeply enjoying now, mostly thanks to the fact that you can see the gameplay and Alex_Nova’s beauty side by side, which does make for an exhilarating gaming session.

Alex_Nova’s Sexy Micro-Bikini Gaming Session

Alex_Nova’s Sexy Micro-Bikini Gaming Session

Alex_Nova’s Sexy Micro-Bikini Gaming Session

Alex_Nova’s Profile:

Username: Alex_Nova
Gender: Female
Body Type: Average
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 130 pounds
Height: 170 centimeters
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Occupation/Major: Model & Cosplayer
Pets: I have some cats 🙂


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