Cubbixoxo Shows The Power Of Her Ki


I’m following my normal daily routine, when suddenly I feel a very strong and sexy ki that overpowers my senses. I think I recognize that ki, so I immediately rush to see if my suspicions about that energy are true.

I quicky discover that what I imagined is accurate, and the sexy ki belongs to none other than Cubbixoxo, who’s just logged in and is chatting about some of the details we can find in her extra content, and she tells us all about it while she shows us her super alluring orange top that looks very familiar, and I know I’ve seen it somewhere before.

Of course, the top that Cubbixoxo is wearing is a Turtle School Gi-inspired item, which makes me think about all the extra good times we could enjoy if Master Roshi accepted Cubbixoxo as one of his students in the Dragon Ball series, provided that she promised to always train with that top on, since it seems to have the power to elevate anyone’s “ki” to over nine thousand in mere seconds, which would be useful in any encounter with an enemy.

Cubbixoxo Shows The Power Of Her Huge Ki

Cubbixoxo Shows The Power Of Her Huge Ki

Cubbixoxo Shows The Power Of Her Huge Ki

Cubbixoxo Shows The Power Of Her Huge Ki

Cubbixoxo Shows The Power Of Her Huge Ki

Cubbixoxo Shows The Power Of Her Huge Ki

Cubbixoxo Shows The Power Of Her Huge Ki

Cubbixoxo Writes:
Hi! Im Cubbi i am normally on cam 9:30 pm CST stop in to see what we are up too!!


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