Cannddy_Hot is The Ultimate Dark Magician


Yu-Gi-Oh has got quite the assortment of different characters (and also quite the colorful powers too) so it’s no surprise to me to see Cannddy_Hot grab onto the Dark Magician for today’s cosplay. She’s really getting her true colors out with this one as someone who really has just about any anime cosplay known to man in her closet full of different outfits.

The Dark Magician in particular offers her some really fun play on pink and blue which looks good on her with that cute blush she has on, but do not be fooled for this sorcerer is quite the powerful one and she was indeed Yugi’s ace card during Battle City. No tricks or spells as of yet, but there’s plenty of time for Cannddy_Hot to present her magical abilities!

Cannddy_Hot is The Ultimate Dark Magician

Cannddy_Hot is The Ultimate Dark Magician

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